3 research outputs found

    Development of an Algorithm for Multicriteria Optimization of Deep Learning Neural Networks

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    Nowadays, machine learning methods are actively used to process big data. A promising direction is neural networks, in which structure optimization occurs on the principles of self-configuration. Genetic algorithms are applied to solve this nontrivial problem. Most multicriteria evolutionary algorithms use a procedure known as non-dominant sorting to rank decisions. However, the efficiency of procedures for adding points and updating rank values in non-dominated sorting (incremental non-dominated sorting) remains low. In this regard, this research improves the performance of these algorithms, including the condition of an asynchronous calculation of the fitness of individuals. The relevance of the research is determined by the fact that although many scholars and specialists have studied the self-tuning of neural networks, they have not yet proposed a comprehensive solution to this problem. In particular, algorithms for efficient non-dominated sorting under conditions of incremental and asynchronous updates when using evolutionary methods of multicriteria optimization have not been fully developed to date. To achieve this goal, a hybrid co-evolutionary algorithm was developed that significantly outperforms all algorithms included in it, including error-back propagation and genetic algorithms that operate separately. The novelty of the obtained results lies in the fact that the developed algorithms have minimal asymptotic complexity. The practical value of the developed algorithms is associated with the fact that they make it possible to solve applied problems of increased complexity in a practically acceptable time. Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2023-04-01-011 Full Text: PD

    Development and Algorithmization of a Method for Analyzing the Degree of Uniqueness of Personal Medical Data

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    The purpose of this investigation is to develop a method for quantitative assessment of the uniqueness of personal medical data (PMD) to improve their protection in medical information systems (MIS). The relevance of the goal is due to the fact that impersonal PMD can form unique combinations that are potentially of interest to intruders and threaten to reveal the patient's identity and medical confidentiality. Existing approaches were analyzed, and a new method for quantifying the degree of uniqueness of PMD was proposed. A weakness in existing approaches is the assumption that an attacker will use exact matching to identify people. The novelty of the method proposed in this paper lies in the fact that it is not limited to this hypothesis, although it has its limitations: it is not applicable to small samples. The developed method for determining the PMD uniqueness coefficient is based on the assumption of a multidimensional distribution of features, characterized by a covariance matrix, and a normal distribution, which provides the most reliable reflection of the existing relationships between features when analyzing large data samples. The results obtained in computational experiments show that efficiency is no worse than that of focus groups of specialized experts. Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2023-04-01-09 Full Text: PD